This year we celebrate 100 years of Presque Isle as one of Pennsylvania’s 121 state parks.
That’s 100 years of outdoor fun and natural beauty as your very own Presque Isle State Park!
And to celebrate PI’s 100 together, we’re launching the My PI 100 Challenge.
Our challenge invites you to get out to Presque Isle and do the things you love. Here’s the challenge in
three easy steps:
Step 1
Define your own personal challenge at Presque Isle and relate that challenge to the number 100.
You could walk, paddle, or bike 100 miles, pick up 100 pieces of trash or find 100 pieces of beach
glass. Your challenge is only limited to your imagination and can be done over time and at your
own pace.
Step 2
Sign up and gear up! Your $25 registration includes an official myPI 100 Challenge long sleeve t-shirt
available in several color options.
Step 3
Get out to Presque Isle and begin your personal challenge. Remember to always practice outdoor
ethics and follow park rules & regulations. Your support helps us better your park experience through
things like increasing visitor access, updating playground areas, and hosting special events just to
name a few. Throughout your challenge, use #myPI100 to mark your achievements and progress. But
most importantly: have fun!
Lastly, while this is the myPI 100 Challenge, don’t feel obligated to reach that “100” milestone.
We just want you to get outside and enjoy the park as much as you possibly can!
Sign up for your challenge at
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